
Terror at the Belmont Hills Mall: 28mm STL 3D-Shopping Mall

Created by Archangel Design

The Belmont Hills Mall: The world's first 3D-Printable two-story shopping mall for 28 mm - 32 mm miniature war-gaming and tabletop RPGs! The Belmont Hills Mall can be assembled in infinite arrangements relying on a unique snap together floor, wall and store front locking system. The locking mechanism relies on friction locking pegs. You can build your very own version of Belmont Hills shopping center, designed with 28 mm scale miniatures in mind.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goals: Part II - Campaign Update Eighteen
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 10:18:28 AM

 Hello Backers! 

I hope everyone is doing well! As mentioned in the last update, there were a few more wall sections and styles I planned on adding to the stretch goals. This update will be brief, but since there was a request for stock room door additions, I wanted to get those finished first to show everyone! 

First up is the double door, stock room/maintenance access door with a weathered wall type. For a cleaner looking in-store stock room, I have added single doors as well, and have combined these with larger blocks of walls and floors for faster printing options.

Double door for stock room and maintenance area access.
Double door for stock room and maintenance area access.

 In order to maintain a moderate volume for most printer sizes, I didn't want to exceed 180 mm on any axis, so these blocks will not be full store sections and will require some assembly with the traditional wall and floor tiles. However, they should still accelerate the building process for the really large department stores. 

Stock room single door additions, as well as a larger section for faster printing options will be included!
Stock room single door additions, as well as a larger section for faster printing options will be included!

Next on my to do list was getting some larger store blocks made for everyone like we had for the original wall and floor types. I have finally finished the process on these, and they are turning out nicely on the printer!  These have proven to be the best method for my own personal assembly of the mall store sections and has helped free up the printer more quickly so I could continue testing the remaining smaller files in the set. 

They're also really nice additions for added stability and moving large sections of your mall around quickly for alterations in your floor plan.  They will all remain under the 180 mm size at 100 percent, and are even smaller at the 80 percent size recommendation. 

Your survey responses have really helped me out when designing these, so thank you all very much for taking the time to answer my question via Backerkit! 

Block-A style sets will include floral pattern interiors with wood exteriors.
Block-A style sets will include floral pattern interiors with wood exteriors.
The Block-B style set will also feature the new floral pattern, and will have the new interior brickwork, but they will also work well for some exterior walls to go with the anchor store entrance areas!
The Block-B style set will also feature the new floral pattern, and will have the new interior brickwork, but they will also work well for some exterior walls to go with the anchor store entrance areas!

In addition, there are going to be some bonus wall and floor blocks, and I have added some changes to these outside the regular single wall types. I really wanted to get the weathering on one, and there is a nice section for paneling for store interiors as well now. While not depicted in the render, there are going to be three additional single style walls as well that are flat on one side, and can work well with store interiors and breaking up the floral patterns. 

The exteriors of these new single walls will come in different varieties as well to fit nicely with whatever texture is being used on the other side of the store. 

Block styles C,D,E vary slightly from single wall and floors.
Block styles C,D,E vary slightly from single wall and floors.

That's all I have to share at the moment, but I am so excited for the next update! 

I will finally be revealing our SUPER SECRET SPECIAL HOLIDAY BONUS ITEMS!  So stay tuned as the announcement will likely be toward the end of this week! 

Thank you all, survivors! Hope you have a wonderful week! 

Stretch Goals Unveiled - Campaign Update Seventeen
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 08:51:51 PM

 Hello Backers! 

I finally have some new designs and renders to share with you tonight! l am really super excited to give everyone the first look at some of the new wall and floor designs I've been experimenting with. 

When completed these should add a lot more variety and detail to the overall building...and there are a few styles that will be perfect to build entirely new areas of the shopping mall! 

Several new floor types will be included for all backers at "Mall Walker" and higher! These include exterior sidewalk, and new interior floor patterns!
Several new floor types will be included for all backers at "Mall Walker" and higher! These include exterior sidewalk, and new interior floor patterns!

At the moment there are exterior sidewalk tiles with cracks, hard wood (with and without grain) a floral pattern, diamond/cross cut tiles, and a industrial grid style texture. 

There are also several new textures and patterns that will be added to the wall types!  At the moment, everyone can build a very crisp, and clean retro style mall that can be painted in a variety of ways. But for those seeking a more apocalyptic look, I am also adding some battle damaged and weathered wall types! As an added bonus for everyone, I have made a few different styles of these weathering textures so it doesn't look boring or repetitive when pieced together.

Even though there were already concrete block style bricks in the original set, one of the things I really wanted to do for these new wall types was a better interior brick aesthetic. These new brick styles will fit well with the anchor stores and entrances! 

While looking at photos of shopping malls, there were always a few different styles of masonry used on the exterior as well, so I wanted to have that option. So there will be both exterior and interior versions of this particular pattern. 

Some cracked plaster, and other textures can be used to give the building and old and worn out look.
Some cracked plaster, and other textures can be used to give the building and old and worn out look.

Another wall style I designed was horizontal paneling used both on exterior walls and store interiors. I have seen these used for displaying T-shirts, books and vinyl records with wall mounted shelves and pegs. 

In addition to those styles, I have started to design two new door styles for the interior of the mall that can be used for stock room and maintenance corridor areas. 

Right now I am including the two styles of open doorways depicted below, but my hope is to add an additional one or two with more detail for everyone in the next few weeks as bonus items! 

There will also be added doorways for stock room access and maintenance areas.
There will also be added doorways for stock room access and maintenance areas.

There will also be walls that have different fixtures attached now. I was thinking these would be perfect for the long access corridors, storage areas and trash areas inside shopping malls. Building a network of corridor tunnels behind each store could really add for some fun adventures! 

Some of the new wall types will also include fixtures such as electrical panels, and exposed plumbing for added variety.
Some of the new wall types will also include fixtures such as electrical panels, and exposed plumbing for added variety.
Each wall type will have both an store interior face and exterior portion, and can be connected to other wall types for more variety.
Each wall type will have both an store interior face and exterior portion, and can be connected to other wall types for more variety.

The final goal I have in mind for these new wall and floor types is to create some more of the larger building block versions for faster print options. I plan on adding a few more details as well, so I will share those with everyone as soon as I can. 

That's all I have at the moment; I really hope you all like the new details and designs! Please let me know in the comments if you have any additional ideas for wall and floor types you would like to see! I will do my best to add them in. 

Also, if anyone has any questions regarding Backerkit, or their survey link, please let me know. If you haven't received your survey, I can send you the link directly via Kickstarter message. 

Thank you for your support and patience, survivors! I will have more for you as soon as I can! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Backerkit Live/Preorders Open - Campaign Update Sixteen
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 12:23:00 AM

 Hello Kickstarter! 

October is finally here, and it is set to be a very exciting month as I have a lot more to share with everyone over the coming weeks!

The first thing I wanted to share tonight is that the Backerkit service is finally live, and each backer will get a survey within the next 24-48 hours as long as there are no problems! 

The survey that will arrive just has one simple question as I was curious as to what model of 3D printers, and print volumes everyone was using. If you would like to share a little more information, such as what slicer you use, that would be a great help as well. I am just trying to get a better idea of everyone's set up and preferred printing/slicing methods to improve the quality for everyone. 

For those below the "Mall Rat" pledge level who were asking about ways to obtain the entire set at a later date, there will be an option to upgrade from your original pledge level. As mentioned before, everything I have built for the mall, as well as any future exclusives I plan on announcing in the next few weeks, will be included in the "Mall Rat" pledge level. This includes all of the exclusives and extras already announced in the previous campaign updates as well. 

For those who may have missed the campaign, and have messaged me regarding an option via a pledge manager, I have also opened up the "Mall Rat" pledge for preorders. This will only be available for a limited time, and will end shortly before the delivery date. 

The team with Backerkit has been extremely helpful, so if there are any problems, or you are having trouble, please let me know! I'm still learning everything, but I will do absolutely everything in my power to assist you. 

Within a week, I should have most of the heavy lifting done, so October will likely have more frequent updates as everything is getting finalized! I have some new designs I am working on at the moment which I plan on including in the stretch goals as well! So there will be a few more little surprises along the way.  

That's all I have at the moment, survivors! Thank you for your kind words, advice, and support through it all. It has been an exciting several weeks, and everything is clicking together one piece at a time! 

Backerkit - Campaign Update Fifteen
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 09:16:54 PM

 Hello Kickstarter! 

I hope everyone is doing well! This will be a quick update as I should have more specific information to share in a few days (hopefully Monday or Tuesday at the latest). But I wanted to let everyone know that I have finalized everything with the pledge manager.

I will be using Backerkit. This is all very new to me, so I am still learning as I go, and I thank you all for your patience. I researched quite a few different services over the past two weeks, and this seems like the best option for this campaign. The Backerkit team is currently reviewing my set up for any problems. My hope is that this makes everything a bit easier and more secure for everyone who supported the project, and ensures a smooth delivery of the files. 

Once the pledge manager is active, I will announce it in an update. Also, there will be an option for all pledges below the "Mall Rat" level to increase their pledge amount to get the entire set of files if they would like.

In addition, those who missed the campaign will have the option to pre-order the entire set, but only for a limited time. Once the files go out, this option will expire. I want to make sure everyone has a positive experience, which is why I chose Backerkit's services, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you so very much for all of your support and patience in this post-campaign stage. I will have some more updates for you as soon as I can! 

RE-Animator (Pledge Manager Options) - Campaign Update Fourteen
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 06:15:33 PM

 Hello Kickstarter! 

I hope everyone is having a fun weekend! I have some news and a bit more information I wanted to share with everyone today. 

Pledge Manager Update: 

After requests from some of the backers and those who missed the campaign before its close, I've been trying to figure out the best way to make this an option for everyone. Since I do not have a website of my own at the moment, or any known method to provide a easy and secure pledge process for pledges outside of Kickstarter, I will likely be selecting a pledge manager soon.  

There is one in particular I have in mind that I really like, and will allow for secure and easy digital distribution of the files, changes in pledge levels, and access to late backers for a limited time, so I am getting those details weighed and implemented. 

At this point, I estimate it will take at least two weeks or so to open this option to everyone who is interested as I have just started the setup process, and am working with the service provider to see what will be best for this campaign. 

In the meantime, I am still hard at work on the project each day, improving models and finalizing the printings, so I will have some new things to share soon!  

Other News: 

In my excitement during our last stretch goal update, I forgot to mention the Marlin's Gun Shop City Builder stretch goal has also been unlocked, and will be delivered to everyone at the "Anchors Aweigh" level and higher! 

Most of the work had already been done on the City Builder stretch goals, and I thought this would a good time to share some new renders! All of the locked City Builder stretch goals will then be delivered to the "Mall Rat" pledge levels once every backer has received their rewards!  

These models do not snap together in the same fashion as the mall itself, but rather stack together with a peg at the top of each level. 

That's all I have for the moment, survivors, but I have some exciting things on the horizon to announce, so stay tuned! 

Thank you all for your support; have a wonderful weekend!