
Terror at the Belmont Hills Mall: 28mm STL 3D-Shopping Mall

Created by Archangel Design

The Belmont Hills Mall: The world's first 3D-Printable two-story shopping mall for 28 mm - 32 mm miniature war-gaming and tabletop RPGs! The Belmont Hills Mall can be assembled in infinite arrangements relying on a unique snap together floor, wall and store front locking system. The locking mechanism relies on friction locking pegs. You can build your very own version of Belmont Hills shopping center, designed with 28 mm scale miniatures in mind.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank you all for a successful campaign!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 05:25:36 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Battle Damage Expansion Stretch Goal Unlocked - Campaign Update Twelve
about 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 09:57:56 AM

Hello Kickstarter! 

This update will be another short one, but I wanted to say thank you to all of those who have supported this project, as we unlocked the first "Belmont Hills Mall" Stretch Goal tonight!  

As noted on the main campaign page, this particular stretch goal will provide five new floor and five new wall types, and will include battle damage such as exposed plumbing and broken fixtures. 

I had several ideas in mind already for these types of features, and am still in the early design steps right now. But that doesn't mean I have everything set in stone. 

This mall is as much yours as it is mine; without your support this goal could not be met, so I welcome and encourage every backer to share your ideas and your vision for this stretch goal! 

This is where the real fun can happen, so please let me know in the comments if there are any custom details you would like to see! I can't promise everything will be possible, but I certainly will do everything I can to get the backers' ideas incorporated into the final designs!  

I enjoy weathering all of my models and miniatures, so from the beginning, I always wanted to design new walls and floors to give the mall a little more of that zombie outbreak, apocalyptic look. I also still want to capture more of those interesting, retro designs from the late 1970s and early 1980s to really spice up the look of the mall overall! 

Thank you so very much for your generosity, suggestions, encouragement and assistance every step of the way! Have a wonderful night, survivors! 

Building Blocks (Faster Printing Options) - Campaign Update Eleven
about 6 years ago – Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 09:36:25 PM

Hello Kickstarter! 

This update will be short, but I wanted to share some new models I'll be adding to the mall set for faster printing options. 

I'm constantly trying to make improvements each day, and I hope these new files help speed up your building process a bit. These will be included for everyone from the"Anchors Aweigh" pledge level and higher who will be building mall store fronts. 

While I have already included larger floor and wall tiles for the set, it didn't occur to me to make a general store block that can be printed as a single piece until I started designing a floor plan of my own. 

Most of the stores I've been building during testing were generally sized between four and five tiles long or wide, and I thought it might be easier for everyone to make some pre-constructed blocks. I am still making some adjustments, but here is a quick render of what I have in mind for these. 

General store blocks of different sizes, and options will be included to speed up print times.
General store blocks of different sizes, and options will be included to speed up print times.

Anchor stores will still need to be built independently as they have entrances for their exteriors, along with their own exterior walls, but for the interior stores these building blocks should help out a bit. 

They will all print without support, and will remain under 180 mm on any axis for moderately sized printers. Hopefully they expedite the building process for everyone, and they should reduce the need for excessive amounts of connection pegs, and provide some additional stability to the entire structure. 

Thank you for your overwhelming support, survivors! Talk to you soon! 

Mall Rat Special (Free City Builder Stretch Goals) - Campaign Update Ten
about 6 years ago – Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 02:03:00 PM

 Hello Kickstarter! 

We are now down to the last 48 hours of the campaign! I can't express how exciting these past several weeks have been. Nor can I express the overwhelming gratitude I have for each and every one of the backers who has helped it get to this point!

The first printing of the amusement race car exclusive!
The first printing of the amusement race car exclusive!

As part of the final 48 hours of the campaign, all of the City Builder stretch goals will now be added to the "Mall Rat" level pledge as an additional exclusive bonus. This includes everything from the City Builder set (unlocked Cosmic Arcade through the Public Safety Building!) 

As mentioned before in the Blue Light Special update, much of the work has already been completed for these models, and the primary focus remains completing the mall with as many of the mall stretch goals as possible. 

You've all helped me meet the upfront requirements to continue work on this project, and I want to give as much back to you as I can for your generous support! 

With that said, I still have some upcoming announcements to make soon, and I still plan on including additional bonus items for everyone at the "Anchors Aweigh" level and higher! 

I am still in the process of working out the details for those extra bonus models, but hopefully, I will have more to show in the next few weeks. That's all I have for the moment, survivors, but stay tuned, I will get more information out to everyone as soon as I can! 

Thank you all for your support! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

Labor Day Special (Scenery Add-On Bonus) - Campaign Update Nine
about 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 07, 2018 at 11:29:32 AM

 Hello Kickstarter! 

With today marking the last seven days until the campaign's closing, I wanted to share a few more bonus items I will be including as a special thank you to the wonderful backers who have helped the campaign get to this point! 

Your support has truly been incredible, and has given me the boost of encouragement needed to continue onward with new found creativity. Today is also Labor Day here in the U.S., a day that has historically been used by retailers to offer up specials, and signifies the end of summer for many. 

For all those at the "Anchors Aweigh" pledge level and higher, I will be adding two more Mall Scenery items to the mix! Below are the first printings of the candy dispenser display piece and the Belmont Hills mall directory sign! 

A bubble gum machine island, and a mall directory sign will be added to the mall scenery pack.
A bubble gum machine island, and a mall directory sign will be added to the mall scenery pack.

Next up, as a special exclusive to the "Mall Rat" pledges, I will be including a race car amusement ride! 

A race car amusement ride will be exclusive to the "Mall Rat" pledge level!
A race car amusement ride will be exclusive to the "Mall Rat" pledge level!

Also, as we get closer to some of these upcoming holidays, I will have a few more extra bonuses to announce I think you'll be very excited about! 

I am personally having a lot of fun building those ones in particular, so hopefully within the next several weeks I will have more to share on that front! 

The Basic Scenery and Mall Scenery Packs have all been printed, and are undergoing final test printings!
The Basic Scenery and Mall Scenery Packs have all been printed, and are undergoing final test printings!
A fountain, support column and bench from the mall scenery pack.
A fountain, support column and bench from the mall scenery pack.

Here is also a sneak peak of how some of the mall assembly is coming together, but I will have some much better photos to showcase in a future backer exclusive update! 

With many of the pieces seeing their final test printings, I started piecing together a general idea for the first floor. There are also numerous pieces for the roof and second floor scattered about. More to come in a future update!
With many of the pieces seeing their final test printings, I started piecing together a general idea for the first floor. There are also numerous pieces for the roof and second floor scattered about. More to come in a future update!

Thank you, survivors! That's all I have to share at the moment as the campaign enters its final week, but stay tuned, there will be plenty more exciting things to come!