
Terror at the Belmont Hills Mall: 28mm STL 3D-Shopping Mall

Created by Archangel Design

The Belmont Hills Mall: The world's first 3D-Printable two-story shopping mall for 28 mm - 32 mm miniature war-gaming and tabletop RPGs! The Belmont Hills Mall can be assembled in infinite arrangements relying on a unique snap together floor, wall and store front locking system. The locking mechanism relies on friction locking pegs. You can build your very own version of Belmont Hills shopping center, designed with 28 mm scale miniatures in mind.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Blue Light Special (Stretch Goals Lowered) - Campaign Update Three
about 6 years ago – Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 08:56:47 AM

Hello Kickstarter! 

This update will be short and sweet! I would like to announce a "Blue Light Special" in the City Builder stretch goals that I have introduced. As someone brand new to running a Kickstarter campaign, I am learning every day!  

In the past three days, the response has been so overwhelmingly positive and encouraging!  With our initial goal already met, and plenty of wonderful suggestions from the backers and other great folks on Kickstarter, I will be lowering the unlock levels of the City Builder stretch goals substantially! 

The reason for doing so is that much of the work on those particular models has already been completed, while I am still very hard at work, building the Belmont Hills Shopping Mall and its stretch goals, which is my primary focus! 

The entire goal of the Kickstarter campaign is to build the mall as I had envisioned, and to share that result with you, the sponsors of this project, directly. 

The City Builder stretch goals originally had the same unlocking levels as the Belmont Hills Mall stretch goals as I thought those would be a nice bonus addition for reaching that mall unlock tier. However, after reviewing everything, and taking some very welcome advice from a long time Kickstarter backer. It really doesn't make sense for me to keep the City Builder goals behind the mall levels, so I changed them. 

The Cosmic Arcade will now be unlocked at the $2,500 level and the Office of Public Safety - Fire Station/Police building is going to be unlocked if we reach $15,000!  

Thank you for your support, and words of encouragement! There will be an exclusive update just for the backers coming up very soon, so stay tuned!

Knightriders- Campaign Update Two
about 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 07:51:58 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

From Dusk Till Dawn - Campaign Update One
about 6 years ago – Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 05:27:13 PM

Hello Kickstarter! 

It has only been one day since the campaign launched, and I just want to say first and foremost, I am so very thankful for your help. I am deeply grateful for your support and your kind comments on this project. This first update will be available to everyone. As the campaign rolls on over the next 31 days, there will be exclusive backer updates with more behind the scenes information for anyone who has made a pledge. 

These backer exclusive updates will include progress updates, behind the scenes photographs and more than likely some fun 1980s themed extras as well! I have a few little additions for all backers planned as well; these will be exclusive in the updates, but I am going to have to hold onto a few secrets for now! These will all be revealed closer to the end of the campaign near September 10

Also, I would really like to take as many suggestions from the backers as possible and incorporate them into the project. If you have any questions for me regarding anything from the STL files themselves to printing recommendations, please get a hold of me in the comments or in a Kickstarter message! 

I will do my best to respond within a 24 hour time frame to provide you with any information. Some have already asked me what the sizes are, and I figured this would be a good opportunity to answer, and include a photo to show a printed piece with some miniatures and dice for size comparisons. 

All of the STL files at 100 percent are a little over-sized for 28mm. During the original modeling steps, I was trying to add size to scale all 28mm miniature with bases, and ensure they would work for the parts. Through testing, I found that in order to get the best and most realistic results that all 28mm wargamers should print at 80 percent of the full size. 

This will also save a lot of time and material! This scale factor I used to design the models was based on building code ceiling height and door width for commercial buildings, which is usually around 8 -9  feet (2.5 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter ) respectively. Also, almost all 28 mm miniatures, (even a certain Wizard with his pointed hat...I tested it already!) should clear the open door entrances without issue. 

This small scale reduction to 80 percent will also reduce print time by nearly half in some cases depending on the infill percentages you pick. I am currently printing all of my test models at 30 percent infill and trying to optimize everything for 28mm miniatures without detail loss on finished parts.

I will include a photo below of a few different 28mm sized miniatures next to some of the test pieces for a better look at this scale. These parts were ones printed at 80 percent specifically for 28 mm miniatures. 

That's all for now, but stay tuned, more exciting things are ahead as night begins to fall! Thank you very much for your support; I can't tell you how grateful I am for your help in this survival effort! Fight on my fellow survivors! 

The printed pieces in this photograph do not reflect the final product as these are test pieces. Everything depicted in this photograph is simply intended to show scale for 28 mm games.
The printed pieces in this photograph do not reflect the final product as these are test pieces. Everything depicted in this photograph is simply intended to show scale for 28 mm games.